Design approved and production financed by David Fristedt.

Design approved and production financed by David Fristedt.

On the 17th of May 2004, the Public Safety Department was warned through letter of the 13th of said month of the later (and in another affair) to be convicted swindler, as well as of her criminal intentions. Confirmation of warning received in writing twice, as prove the stamps of this very Public Safety Department itself, and that of the Supreme Court (encl. nr 12).

On the 1st of July 2004, the now convicted swindler’s first temporary Monegasque one-year residence card nr TE 045534 expired (encl. nr 5 of the Monegasque Supreme Court [Tribunal Suprême], in which one of the judges was current Minister of State H.E. Michel ROGER; a kind of constitutional court unique to Monaco and with which Mister David Fristedt (herewith DF) never has had any legal affair whatsoever. Said court refused the testimonies of police officers, and that of Didier ESCAUT, despite the latter’s presence at the trial). This card was to become a “carte blanche” for the swindler.

This is (detail) an official copy of the swindler’s expired first Monegasque temporary residence card, which she showed with the help of Didier ESCAUT, to Brigitte GAMBARINI on the 21st of July 2004, and shortly after to NARMINO’s court, along with the also expired IPA card, in order to be enabled to rob Mrs Monica Fristedt’s apartment, a document confirmed by the Supreme Court, in which one of the judges was current (2012) Minister of State H.E. Michel ROGER, who refused the testimonies of the police, of Didier ESCAUT and that of Narmino, responsible nr 1 who later were to sign the nomination of Michel Roger as Minister of State. Thanks to Didier ESCAUT, this has become a public document.

This is (detail) an official copy of the swindler’s expired first Monegasque temporary residence card, which she showed with the help of Didier ESCAUT, to Brigitte GAMBARINI on the 21st of July 2004, and shortly after to NARMINO’s court, along with the also expired IPA card, in order to be enabled to rob Mrs Monica Fristedt’s apartment, a document confirmed by the Supreme Court, in which one of the judges was current (2012) Minister of State H.E. Michel ROGER, who refused the testimonies of the police, of Didier ESCAUT and that of Narmino, responsible nr 1 who later were to sign the nomination of Michel Roger as Minister of State. Thanks to Didier ESCAUT, this has become a public document.

On the 21st of July 2004, thanks to the help of the for continuous and / or continuing blackmail incriminated lawyer Didier ESCAUT, the swindler showed – apart from her expired residence card – to Mrs the First Vice-President of the Court of first instance, and shortly after to NARMINO’S court, through the deplorable “LEX GAMBARINI”, a copy of her sympathizing membership card of the IPA (International Police Association) of Monaco, a card that also had expired. The card features in capital letters the following explicit mention: “IN NO WAY MAY THIS ASSOCIATIVE CARD BE USED AS A SPECIAL PRIVILEGE” (“CETTE CARTE ASSOCIATIVE NE PEUT SERVIR DE PASSE-DROIT EN AUCUN CAS”)

"Rien ne va plus pour Didier: 13, noir, impair et manque". Copy of pages 4 and 1 of the swindler’s expired Monegasque IPA card nr MC S067. Page 1 of Didier ESCAUT’s document nr 13, presented before NARMINO’s court, with success, one which is already sadly known by the Monegasques. Thanks to Didier ESCAUT, this has become a public document.

“Rien ne va plus pour Didier: 13, noir, impair et manque”. Copy of pages 4 and 1 of the swindler’s expired Monegasque IPA card nr MC S067. Page 1 of Didier ESCAUT’s document nr 13, presented before NARMINO’s court, with success, one which is already sadly known by the Monegasques. Thanks to Didier ESCAUT, this has become a public document.

“IN NO WAY MAY THIS ASSOCIATIVE CARD BE USED AS A SPECIAL PRIVILEGE” (“EN AUCUN CAS, CETTE CARTE ASSOCIATIVE NE PEUT SERVIR DE PASSE-DROIT”) Copy (detail) of pages 2 and 3 of the swindler’s expired Monegasque IPA card nr MC S067. Page 2 of Didier ESCAUT’s document nr 13, presented before NARMINO’s court. Thanks to Didier ESCAUT, this has become a public document.

“IN NO WAY MAY THIS ASSOCIATIVE CARD BE USED AS A SPECIAL PRIVILEGE” (“EN AUCUN CAS, CETTE CARTE ASSOCIATIVE NE PEUT SERVIR DE PASSE-DROIT”) Copy (detail) of pages 2 and 3 of the swindler’s expired Monegasque IPA card nr MC S067. Page 2 of Didier ESCAUT’s document nr 13, presented before NARMINO’s court. Thanks to Didier ESCAUT, this has become a public document.

Copy of pages 3 (detail) and 1 of the first (stolen) card nr MC S033 of David Fristedt, alias “Mister Archives”. Compared to card nr MC S067, one can see that the explicit mention has been written with a typewriter for every member’s card. Indeed, the card above shows another way of writing, albeit with the same unambiguous message.

Copy of pages 3 (detail) and 1 of the first (stolen) card nr MC S033 of David Fristedt, alias “Mister Archives”. Compared to card nr MC S067, one can see that the explicit mention has been written with a typewriter for every member’s card. Indeed, the card above shows another way of writing, albeit with the same unambiguous message.

Nevertheless, this shows how to take over someone else’s apartment in Monaco! Go find out (task that apparently has shown itself difficult for the Prosecution’s Office, which is still trying, scratching, to understand)!

With such proceedings, the reader will not be surprised by the fact that certain authorities make use of false statements within their dirty work, and that they don’t hesitate in inducing foreign Governments in error (2012), with a criminal intent so openly evident that it is mind-blowing, since they consider themselves – wrongly, as we shall inexorably see – untouchables.

On the 27th of July 2004, day of horror, when the criminals took over, under such conditions, DF’s mother’s apartment, DF looked into his diary, and called his “friends” of the Monaco IPA. There were to be not much left of the motto “serving through friendship”. Even after the criminal complaints had been laid (still ongoing, with legally certified confessions), when DF, still in Sweden, called the founding president, the latter hang up.

It is while wanting to let the readers know about this information that DF were to make yet another discovery, one that sends shivers down the spine. But first, a step back in time:

In the nineties, the new Monegasque section of the International Police Association wanted DF to become a sympathizing member. In 1998, DF accepted, not least in light of the IPA’s motto “serving through friendship”, but also because of its charitable vocation. The cousin and godson of then Hereditary Prince Albert one day contacted DF in Monte-Carlo, recognizing the latter’s IPA pin. They had apparently dined together during an IPA dinner. In view of the specific reason for said contact, a true friendship was born, and said IPA member were later to become DF’s wedding witness, which DF saw as a great honour.

The founding president of this Monegasque IPA section was later to ask DF to sign with him the adhesion of the future swindler as a sympathizing member of the IPA in Monaco. David accepted, particularly since such adhesion suggested a thorough criminal background check-up of the member, seeing through this as if needed a guarantee of a past beyond reproach, later to be confirmed by DF’s wedding witness. DF had then all the reasons to feel secure.

Upon demand by the founding president of IPA’s Monegasque section, always under the motto “serving through friendship”, DF was convinced into sponsoring a new set of bronze plaques, as illustrated above. It is DF who was to have the final decision on the design. The very reason for such production was that for the IPA in Monaco to be able to give to other IPA sections across the world a memory. The cause seemed good, among other initiatives such as the drilling of wells in the Republic of Niger (DF, not daring to travel by car through The Sahara, preferred to contribute by other means), for instance.

Monaco’s IPA section were in spite of all escapades and parties, one nicer than the other, to have difficulties regarding financial transparency. For example, DF has still not received any receipt (even less a “thank you”) of the 10.000,00 FRF (€1.524,49) that were to be wired by him for the bronze plaques – even less so an exemplary – and nor does he know whether the plaques were manufactured and as such realized for them to finally be given away in accordance with the object of the contract. IPA around the world, please take notice, if need be.

In spite of the planned burglary of DF’s family’s archives (that were searched from top to bottom) by these sad ambassadors of the IPA (see below), holders of this “special privilege” [sic], « Mister Archives » had however kept copies around the world, and his bank at the time sent him a confirmation ad hoc of the bank transaction.

There came a time when the Monegasque IPA section wanted to produce jewellery, in the shape of rings (Bulletin numéro 6 – Numéro spécial, Centenaire de la SURETÉ PUBLIQUE pages 23, 24 et 25) to the amount of €585 a piece. The financial transparency lacking, DF backed off this project (and moreover from the IPA), albeit not without difficulties. At least one chief prosecutor (top in rank in Monaco) was summoned to investigate on this. Indeed, another sympathizing member of the IPA was later to ally himself/herself with an individual close to some of the intruders of the victim’s apartment. A company among others was founded abroad under the reversed name of one of the intruders (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Backmasking), one which could have been a gemologist, considering that person’s knowledge and skills regarding the difference between true and false stones. The main stones are to be seen on this website’s first page). All this ought to be present on the current Prosecutor General’s desk, within the ongoing criminal matters.

DF:s wedding witness would have found out about quite some more information, had it not been for his so called legal advisor in France, with a Monegasque address (a by the Monegasque police very badly noted individual indeed, by the way, according to what Google search on NARMINO features) to send back – unopened – a very important file, compiled through the very motto of the IPA.

Extract from IPA’s Monegasque section’s current (2012) website (in French only, whereas this is BIMCAM’s translation):

“The meaning of the motto:

Serving: The value of this word is the foundation of our profession. Serving through friendship is even more noble. It is a state of mind, a particular way of completing our function, to accomplish our daily missions, showing thus that we are at the service of the Law and of Justice, whilst remaining servants to all other people.”

Later on, when all of the swindler’s claims were to become rejected by the very Narmino himself (albeit in secret), the IPA sent a postal mail to the swindler, at the very address of her victim, the mother of DF, as if the burglar was still having her criminal gangsters’ association under the name of the IPA post judgements (in the plural), on the very scene of the crime! And illegally, under the victim’s name, thanks to Narmino!

Apparently, she continued to mingle with the IPA in Monaco with no problems whatsoever! Another IPA president in Monaco then wrote a letter of admission of error to DF:s mother, promising not to ever let such twaddle occur again; in the name of the IPA, Principality of Monaco section; without apology.

As for now, the blackmail continues. The swindler is only released on probation. Hence, Monaco’s IPA section would for now be most accurately described through the following motto: “NO SERVO PER AMIKECO!” Had the IPA, contacted by DF from Sweden, taken notice of the following article of the Monegasque Criminal Code, there would not have been any affair in the first place. But one preferred to listen to the swindler (bold letter by BIMCAM, and the only ones unofficially translated here, in red):

“Article 279 .- (Modifié par la loi n° 1.344 du 26 décembre 2007 ) 

Sans préjudice de l’application, le cas échéant, des peines plus fortes prévues par le présent code ou par des lois spéciales, sera puni d’un emprisonnement de six mois à trois ans et de l’amende prévue au chiffre 3 de l’article 26.

Safe for the enforcement, if need be, of harsher sentences provided for by the present code or by special laws, shall be punished by an imprisonment of six months to three years and the statutory fine of number 3 of article 26.

• 1°) Celui qui, ayant connaissance d’un crime contre les personnes, déjà tenté ou consommé, n’aura pas aussitôt averti les autorités judiciaires ou administratives, alors qu’une dénonciation était encore susceptible d’en prévenir ou limiter les effets ou lorsqu’il existait des circonstances de nature à laisser prévoir que les coupables commettraient de nouveaux crimes que cette dénonciation eût pu empêcher.

1) He who, having knowledge about a crime against persons, already attempted or consumed, will not have immediately alerted the judicial or administrative authorities, while a denunciation was still likely to prevent or limit its effects or when there existed circumstances of a kind that could leave to predict that the guilty would commit new crimes that this denunciation could have prevented.

Sont exceptés des dispositions qui précèdent, les parents ou alliés, jusqu’au quatrième degré inclusivement, des auteurs ou complices du crime ou de la tentative, sauf en ce qui concerne les crimes commis sur les mineurs au-dessous de l’âge de seize ans accomplis.

• 2° Celui qui, pouvant empêcher par son action immédiate, mais sans risque pour lui ni pour les tiers, soit un fait qualifié crime, soit un délit portant atteinte à l’intégrité corporelle d’une personne, s’en abstient volontairement;

• 3° Celui qui s’abstient volontairement de porter à une personne en péril l’assistance que, sans risque pour lui ni pour les tiers, il pouvait lui prêter, soit pas son action personnelle, soit en provoquant un secours;

• 4° Celui qui, ayant la preuve de l’innocence d’une personne qu’il sait être détenue préventivement ou devoir être jugée pour crime ou délit, s’abstient volontairement d’apporter aussitôt son témoignage aux autorités de justice ou de police. Toutefois, aucune peine ne sera prononcée contre celui qui, spontanément, apportera ce témoignage, même tardif.
Sont exceptés de la disposition qui précède le : coupable du fait qui motivait la poursuite, ses coauteurs, ses complices et les parents ou alliés de ces personnes jusqu’au quatrième degré inclusivement.”

So what was the abovementioned shivering discovery all about?

While writing these lines, in February 2012, DF digged into his personal archives regarding the IPA in Monaco, and discovered not without stupefaction, through an attentive reading of the aformentioned Bulletin numéro 6 of Year 2002, within its page 31 and underneath its headline “Welcome to our new members”, the name of Didier ESCAUT! So it is this new sympathizing member who with knowledge of the IPA’s motto uses the swindler’s expired card as a special privilege, with success, by the way! Later confirmed by the official stamp of his wife, bailiff Marie-Thérèse ESCAUT-MARQUET!

This would explain the absolute silence of the IPA, Monaco section, under DF’s most total despair during his call for help, on this 27th of July 2004.

Consequently, it is being asked through this very present means of communication, for the attention of the Monegasque IPA section such as composed today, to confirm the exclusion of Didier ESCAUT, in order for the IPA to not having its image becoming tarnished any further, and – rather – for it to be restored, a task to which BIMCAM shall gladly contribute.

Many parts of the puzzle thus come into place, regarding the premeditation and the modus operandi (this is why some exact figures are produced here). More ample information will emerge as a direct consequence, and will interest the Swedish police, lately fooled by some of the protagonists of the Staples, marker pen and IT-bug Affair (its Swedish part is ongoing). It goes without saying that it would be interesting to get to know who are behind the proposition of the adhesion of lawyer Escaut…

DF has kept the contact details of IPA members throughout the world (it was for instance during the 30th anniversary of the French section, IPA Alpes Maritimes, that DF were to meet the Swedish IPA delegation for the first time, before the adhesion of Escaut), without later on ever speaking about BIMCAM. Some of these members have clinked glasses, in the best of atmospheres and before this scandal, in DF:s mother’s Monegasque home, notably, without knowing what some were to do later on with IPA’s motto. Let’s thus quote again the Monegasque IPA section’s current website (BIMCAM’s unofficial translation): “Through this tremendous tool that the internet constitutes, you will be able to get to know the IPA and the Principality of Monaco section […].”

In light of the ongoing threats (2012), and the intimidations against witnesses (some in writing and under particularly clumsy anonymity, with one that was sent to the wrong person), BIMCAM shall remain a secure source of information in harmony with article 279 of the Monegasque Criminal Code for all victims (police officers or not, in Monaco or elsewhere) of the Affair until there will have been put an end to the public disorders. Mister DRENO, the world is waiting!

PS: To new recruits of the Monegasque Police, a CV with the names of NARMINO and MUHLBERGER may not be the best if You are looking for a future career worthy of the name (see the abovementioned article 279).

A special issue indeed, featuring the welcoming of Didier ESCAUT (!) and pictures of among others David Fristedt, his wedding witness and the swindler.

A special issue indeed, featuring the welcoming of Didier ESCAUT (!) and pictures of among others David Fristedt, his wedding witness and the swindler.

Wanted Didier ESCAUT presents (thank you!) organized crime in a video, herwith uploaded by BIMCAM on the 29th of March 2019: